Tall hopper
The Densibaie® works by funneling berries into a liquid bath, which—thanks to its specific density—divides the harvest into two separate groups.
This mechanism features a sealed tank filled with user-defined dense liquid. Perforated paddles channel the floating berries (less ripe) to one exit, while the submerged berries (more ripe) are directed to another.
These paddles, powered by a chain and sprocket system made of food-safe plastic, move across stainless steel draining grates before sending the two berry groups to their respective exits.
With its unmatched versatility and cost-efficiency, the Densibaie XL® not only sorts but also offers novel ways to categorize grape batches by individual berry maturity, opening up new avenues in winemaking.
• Detailed sorting ensures top quality and perfect ripeness of every berry.
• The berry’s gentle handling maintains the bath’s consistent density.
• Nominated for the Innovation Awards at Vinitech 2018.
• Adaptable for both manual and mechanical harvesting.
• Can be used for sorting or segmenting.
• A compact device that’s easy to move.
• Limited risk of breakdown
• Density can be directly adjusted by the user
• Simple and fast cleaning
3775 mm
1364 mm
1859 mm
Max. throughtput
5 T/H
Tall hopper
ZAC du Castellas
599, Avenue du Col de Chèvre
11100 Montredon-des-Corbières
Tel. +33 (0)4 68 41 50 30
French Manufacturer
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